Growth Groups
spurring one another on
Community of Saints

We believe the path for people to be conformed to the image of Christ is spiritual growth. Growth is displayed when believers take on the character of Christ. The setting for spiritual growth is community with other believers. A growth group is a huddle of believers who gather together once a week in different places for community. Food and stories are shared. Life applications are derived together from the text of Scripture.
gather together

Fellowship Opportunities
west side growth group
This group is hosted by Denton and Kayley Ice. It meets every second and fourth Tuesday from 5:30 - 8:00 pm. Text Denton Ice at 812-449-5193 for more information.
east side growth group
This group is hosted by Autumn and Josh Murray. It meets every other Friday. Dinner is provided. Text Josh Murray at 812-215-4400 for more information.

women's Bible study
The women of Redeemer gather for a Women's Bible Study on the first and third Sundays of the month at 6:30 pm at Redeemer Fellowship Church. We are studying Philippians using Keri Folmar's study book titled, "Joy!: A Bible Study on Philippians for Women."
men's Bible study
The men of Redeemer and The Bridge Church come together for a joint Bible study on the first Saturday of each month and rotates between being hosted at Redeemer and The Bridge. Text Denton Ice at 812-449-5193 for details.