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Image by Stephen Radford


be ready in and out of season

Preach The Word


From the Garden to Goshen, Genesis depicts the true account of God's creation through the preservation of His people. Join us as we study this incredible book and learn more about the character and covenant of God.

Current Sermon Series

Acts: Established, Equipped, Empowered

The Book of Acts is written by Luke and outlines the acts of the Apostles, the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, and the expansion of the Church.

Hebrews: And the Preeminence of Christ

The Book of Hebrews makes clear that Jesus Christ is greater than any other person, object, angel, hope, or allegiance. The Holy Spirit, through the writer, encourages readers to remain faithful to Jesus and live in light of His unmatched and unmerited grace.

ADVENT 2023: The Weary World Rejoices

The Old Testament points to the coming Messiah over and over again. Join us as we spend these four weeks of Advent studying several Psalms this Christmas season.

The Sermon On The Mount

Our new Sunday night church series is going to take a close look at the greatest sermon ever preached: The Sermon on the Mount. Join us as we examine Matthew 5-7.

Easter Sunday 2022

In this Resurrection Sunday message, we walk through Acts 2:22-41. Pastor Denton preaches on why the resurrection is as essential to the church today as it was to the early church.

Covenant Membership

Learn why we believe that joining a church in covenant membership is commanded in scripture and essential for believers to mature in their faith.

Walking In The Truth: A Series On Discipleship

This series focuses on how discipleship is necessary for spiritual maturity in Christ.

The Book Of Jude

Jude is a short book that packs a lot of stern words for false teachers in the church. Jude encourages his readers to earnestly contend for the faith as they stand against false teachings and cling to the promises of Christ. 

The Good News

For Holy Week 2021, Redeemer looked at the gospel message. The Good Friday Service looked at Christ’s Sacrifice on the Cross from Romans 3. The Easter Sunday Service looked at the Christ’s Resurrection from Acts 17.

Lord of all: The Book Of Colossians

We are looking at the Book of Colossians during the 2021 Lent Season. Paul’s letter to the church in Colossae will help prepare our hearts for this Easter season.

Redeeming Money: A Series On Money

This sermon series instructs how Christians should view money as citizens of God’s Kingdom.

God's Elect In A Strange Land: A Study In 1 Peter

We started a monthly evening service in September. We decided to study the Book of 1 Peter. Enjoy our monthly teaching through Peter’s first epistle.

The Book Of Luke

Here is our series on the entire Book of Luke. Luke provides a historical documentary on the life of Christ by reporting on key events and teachings. 

What Child Is This? Advent Series 2020

Advent is a traditional period in the church calendar, where the church celebrates together the birth of Christ. In 2020, we will take a deeper look at the person of Christ. The series will be entitled, “What Child is This?”

Behold The Lamb Of God: Advent 2021

Advent is a traditional period in the church calendar, where the church celebrates together the birth of Christ. In 2021, we walk through John .

We Are Redeemer

We are Redeemer Fellowship Church. In this sermon series, we will look at five outcomes that we are praying God will accomplish through this church. This also includes the farewell address from our founding pastor, Dr. Matthew Castro.

The Book Of Revelation:A Letter Of Hope For A Troubled Time

In light of the coronavirus, we want to encourage you with a misunderstood book of the Bible. This series is entitled “A Letter of Hope for a Troubled Time.” G. K. Beale wrote of Revelation, “It is an encouragement to believers of all ages that God is working out His purposes even in the midst of tragedy, suffering, . . . . “ Revelation is a letter that we all need right now.

Lament And Joy: Good Friday And Easter Series

During this pandemic, our communities is struggling in different ways. We are current season of lament, but we hold onto a future joy. These two sermons speak from the Book of Lamentations and Ezra about the season of lament and joy for the people of Israel. Good Friday also presents a moment of lament as Christ Jesus suffers for our sins, but the weekend ends with joy as Christ defeated the grave.

2020 Lent Series: The Book Of Galations

This series is a 6 sermon study of the Book of Galatians.We will be focusing on the life that we have in Christ.

The Marriage Story

This series is a four part sermon series on the topic of marriage. Each sermon is a different marriage story from the Bible. We deduced principles from marriage from the lessons of married couples from the Bible.

True&Better: Advent 2019

This series focuses on the promise of the advent of Christ in the Old Testament. Jesus is the true and better Adam, Abraham, Moses and David.

Reformation Sunday

Redeemer has labeled the last Sunday of October as Reformation Sunday. We take one sermon to focus on a person or topic from the Reformation. This sermon highlights Willian Tyndale and the history of the English Bible.

Ecclesiastes: Searching For Meaning In A Meaningless World

The Book of Ecclesiastes is a usually book to be included in the Bible. The Preacher observes a world under the sun that is full of meaninglessness. Wealth, Fame, Wisdom, Pleasure, and Trophies are all viewed as vanity and striving after wind. How are we to find meaning in a meaningless world?

Humiliation And Exhaltation

Humiliation and Exaltation is a theme that is reflected in several hero stories. Christ Jesus's rise to glory starts with his humiliation on the cross and ends with his exaltation in his resurrection. Christ's humiliation frees his church from their slavery to sin. His exaltation establishes his church's hope in her future exaltation.

Romans 8: No Condemnation

Romans 8 is considered by many as the greatest chapter in the Bible. This remarkable chapter by Paul starts with an overwhelming promise. He wrote, “There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” If you trust in the blood of Christ Jesus for the salvation of your sins, you are free from condemnation. Paul ends this great chapter with another promise. He wrote, “Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.” Nothing in the created universe can separate you from Christ.

Advent Series: Comfort Ye My People

Advent is the period of four Sundays and weeks before Christmas. Advent means 'Coming' in Latin. This is the coming of Jesus into the world. Christians use the four Sundays and weeks of Advent to prepare and remember the real meaning of Christmas.

Values: The Foundations Of Redeemer Fellowship Church

We start our new year with the foundations of the church. The series includes our mission statement, vision statement, and values. Our values are Christ, Character, Community, and Commission. These sermons outline the essentials of Redeemer Fellowship Church.

The Book Of Daniel: The Sovereignty Of God

This is our summer sermon series. We will cover the entire book of Daniel. By focusing on the life of Daniel and the people of Israel in the kingdoms of Babylon and Persia, we read about the sovereignty of God over the events of history, and his care and provision for his people while in a strange and hostile world. The chronicles of Daniel and his people compares well to the circumstances of the church in the world today.

Cross & Crown

We are teaching a two part series on Hell and Heaven. The first sermon focuses on the spiritual suffering of Christ on the cross, which illustrated the judgment of God on sin. The Easter sermon will focus on the heavenly inheritance earned by Christ for us. 

Isaiah 53: The Way Of Suffering

We are focusing on the six Sundays of the Lent Season in fifty-third chapter of Isaiah. The prophet profiles the servant of the Lord that will accomplish salvation for God's people. The path to victory for the servant sent by God is suffering. The Via Dolorosa is the way of suffering. Christ Jesus won our salvation through suffering. Over the next six weeks, we will be discussing the themes of Christ's suffering showcased in Isaiah 53.

500 Years Of Reformation

Here is our three part series on the Reformation. We celebrated the 500 Year Anniversary of Martin Luther's 95 Theses. The three sermons are a focus on three of the five Solas of the Reformation. The first sermon is Sola Scriptura. The second is Sola Christus. The third is Sola Gloria. 

Orphan Sunday

On Orphan Sunday, Christians stand for the orphan. We are a people called to defend the fatherless…to care for the child that has no family…to visit orphans in their distress. Each event is locally-led. Sermons and small groups, concerts and prayer gatherings, shared meals and youth activities—each rousing believers with God’s call to care for the orphan, and what we can do in response. From many sources, one voice. Each November, thousands of events will echo across America and around the globe, all sharing a single goal: that God’s great love for the orphan will find echo in our lives as well. Orphan Sunday is your opportunity to join Redeemer Fellowship to pray and care for orphans. 


The first Thanksgiving took place near the coast in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1621. After enduring persecution and hardship, the reminding survivors of the English Puritans, who left Leiden for the New World, sat down to their harvest feast to thank God for his provision and love. Looking at 1 Kings 8:62-66, we learn that thankfulness breed joy. However, also learning from the history of Israel and the history of our world that ungratefulness breeds judgment. This Thanksgiving take time to remember God's gift of salvation through Jesus Christ and give thanks. Reflect on the thousand graces in your life and give Him thanks. From the congregation of Redeemer Fellowship Church, have a happy Thanksgiving. 

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