equipping the saints for the work of ministry

primary preaching pastor
Denton Ice
Denton is married to Kayley. They have three children, Elijah, Nathan, and Jemma. Denton and Kayley graduated from USI. Denton has his Master of Arts in Church Ministries from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He serves as the primary preaching pastor at Redeemer Fellowship Church. Kayley is a science teacher at Evansville Christian High School. They love Marvel movies and the outdoors, especially hiking and playing disc golf. They also enjoy spending time with their families in Evansville and Lynnville.
Email Address: dentonice@evansvillechurch.com
worship pastor

Robert Hudson
Robert is married to LaTosha. They have three daughters named Indya, Asya, and Ellie, and one son named Hudson. He was born in Pleasant View, TN. He owns and operates a lawn care business called Hudson Family Lawn Care. Robert loves music. He started his own HipHop label called “Proper HipHop.” He also enjoys disc golf and playing board games with his wife. He is a fan of silly comedy movies like Hot Rod and does a great impersonation of Jim Carrey's The Cable Guy.
Email Address: the.hudsons.1931@hotmail.com

lay pastor
Aaron Mills
Aaron is married to Lindsey. They have two sons named Judah and Solomon. He was born in Texas but lived as a missionary kid in Spain and as a pastor’s kid in several states in the USA. He has his Masters of Divinity in Missiology from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He served as a missionary in Guatemala, Peru, and Senegal/West Africa. He is passionate about evangelism and international missions and his desire is to see the church mobilize to reach the world with the Gospel. He currently works at Deaconess Hospital as a Principal Trainer. In his free time he enjoys spending time with his family, learning about astronomy and creation science, and playing with his dog, Bingley.
Email Address: ajmills83@gmail.com
serving the body of believers

Josh Strouth
Josh loves the Kentucky Wildcats. He plays the drums for the worship team. Josh currently is taking classes at USI and delivering food for DoorDash. Josh is serving as the deacon over Sunday morning service.

David Greenwood
David is married to McKenzie. They have a daughter, Eleanor, and a son, Ezra. David is a Purdue graduate, and he is working at Danco Construction. David loves to work on his lawn and be outside in God’s creation. David is serving as the deacon over member care.​
Adam Kennada
Adam is married to Heather, and they have five children: Adalynn, AnnMarie, Alaina, Arrow, and Harlan. Adam works at Arc Machine Company Inc. in Henderson, KY. Adam loves fishing and hunting, professional wrestling, and cheering for the Tennessee Titans with his family. Adam is serving as the deacon over facilities.
supporting church functions
director of operations
Lindsey Mills
Lindsey grew up in Newburgh. She graduated from Murray State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration. She is married to Aaron, who works at Deaconess and is a lay elder at Redeemer. They have two children: Judah and Solomon. Lindsey loves coffee, art, reading, and making pottery in her free time.
E-mail Address: lindseymills@evansvillechurch.com