Pray For The Nations
the harvest is plentiful
Why We Pray
In Exodus 32 and again in Exodus 33, we see God passing judgement on Israel and Moses interceding for them. Each time Moses intercedes, the Lord relents. In these acts, Moses sets an example of what it means to go before the Lord and intercede on a people’s behalf. The greatest example we have, of course, is Jesus Christ who is seated at the right hand of God the Father and intercedes for us (Romans 8:34; Hebrews 7:25). Not only that, Christ told his disciples in Matthew 9:37-38, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
At Redeemer Fellowship Church, we recognize it is not always possible for all of us to go to the nations. However, we can and must intercede in prayer every day for people around the world. Thus, on the first Sunday of every month we dedicate a portion of our Sunday morning service to pray for a specific people group, nation, or missionary. We pray for the Lord to save the lost, for believers to be encouraged and faithful to their mission to share the gospel, and for our congregation to support them in whatever way the Lord instructs. We also encourage our congregation to take a prayer card and spend the entire month praying over that specific people group or person.
the month of February
"Venture" Family

In January we spent the month praying for the country of Colombia. For the month of February, we will be praying for the "Venture" Family serving in the Asian Pacific Rim.
2.3 Billion People - only 4.2% follow Jesus
30% of the world's population
Half of world’s largest cities found here
3,379 people groups
1,086 unreached people groups
478 unengaged, unreached people groups
quick facts

how can we pray?
Pray for abiding time in the word and with each other for the family
Pray for the "Venture" family to find a new rhythm as a family
Pray for patience as they adjust
Pray for their language learning
Pray for opportunities to build relationships with new people